Monday, January 10, 2011

My life as a fish tank

Few people know this about me, but I think in prose. The thoughts in my head are (complete and punctuated) sentences that get me from one place to another. I come up with some really good stuff in there. Unfortunately, its usually gone before I have the chance to put it to any use, and I can never seem to state things in quite the same (awesome) way as before.

This morning I had one of those moments. I've been reading a lot of blogs recently, which lead me to think (even more) in sentences. Even to use clever sentences. (Some people are so clever and their words sound so cool and then my brain decides to try to be more like them). But this is besides the point.

This morning after I got up, I came (like a loyal caretaker) to feed my fish. My fish are very skittish and don't seem to like people (I don't know why). They look at me like they long to be fed, but proceed to swim frantically when I come near enough to actually feed them. If I stay after feeding them to watch them eat their (flaky) meal, they (again) swim frantically and attack the food in the most funny way (which leads me to watch more). It is quite amusing, especially at a time of morning when most college students don't think of getting out of bed. (I'm trying to get on a better sleep schedule, I'll let you know how it goes)

This morning my brain is in a profound place. I was reading this blog talking about finding purpose in the dark, and the thoughts followed me to my fish tank. As I sat watching my fish in their IreallywanttoeatbutifIdoitfastnoonewillseeme routine, I thought to them, "Silly fish, don't you know your purpose in life is to be watched?" Bam.

Profound. Sudden. It hit me -- who says my purpose in life isn't to be watched? Or something equally unimpressive? Sure, there may be more to it (I hope), but what if at this point (or certain points) I am merely called to be an example? What's wrong with that? Maybe life isn't allaboutme after all. Who knew?

Our God is an awesome God, who works in mysterious ways. The older I get, the more this is evident to me. Who am I to critique what is happening in my life? God brings me to things (like my fish tank) in order to shape me, help me grow, or maybe even for someone else's benefit. As long as I trust Him, my purpose will be fulfilled. It's when I try to fulfill my purpose on my own that things get really wacky.

Hmm. Yeah, I'll try to get to work on that..

Sunday, December 5, 2010


On Wednesday night I was invited to a wedding shower for one of my dear friends. Being a close friend, I was asked to bring food. As a working college student, I don't have time to bake anything extraordinary, but I agreed to bring brownies. Box mix, add eggs and oil, done. Well, it turns out that I had a major project due Wednesday morning and a full day for all of Wednesday and no time to bake. I realized this on Tuesday, and broke down and decided to buy a box of frozen brownies. Although I had no time at all, I knew I could at least manage to pop them in the oven while putting the finishing touches on my project.

I went straight from the grocery store to a friend's apartment to collaborate for the project, taking the brownies with me. I worked at her apartment for several hours before coming back to my own apartment and then placed the brownies in the freezer. The next day, true to my expectations, I was totally swamped, but had 30 minutes before the shower began -just long enough to pop my pre-made brownies in the oven. After digging around and finally finding a cookie sheet, I opened the box, ripped off the plastic, to find----
that the mix had somewhat melted and all slid to one side and now only filled half of the pan. An unforeseen mishap!

I spent a few minutes holding the pan halfway in the oven in an attempt to 'melt' the mix enough that it would even out. Realizing it was a fruitless attempt, I grabbed a spoon and muscled the mix until I was able to even it out. The mix was then very choppy, however, and I was afraid the brownies would be choppy, uneven, and ugly. I put them in the oven anyway, and sat back for 20 minutes.

When the timer went off, I apprehensively checked the oven, and the brownies were beautiful! Perfect! Gorgeous! I hurried off to the party, managing to only be 5 minutes late, and the brownies were stupendous. Another mishap overcome!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just wanted to share

Hola! For quite some time now I have been creeping regularly on my friend's blogs, and always enjoy their updates, stories, quizzes, and pictures. I've gone back and forth about the idea of starting one but didn't have any idea of what I would blog about. Well, after a clumsy little mishap this morning, I got my idea.

Welcome to Mishaps and Musings!

Most of you know that I am a fairly uncoordinated person and that random things happen to me often. I decided to start a place to share these happenings and give a little chuckle. After a lifetime of tripping over things, cutting myself, and the like, I rarely get offended or embarrassed about others laughing at my expense. They're not laughing at me, they're laughing with me! So to kick off my blog, enjoy the mishap of the morning.

This morning I decided to make rice. I used one cup water and one cup of rice (I learned that from my Momma) and brought the water to a boil. I then reduced the heat, covered the rice, and sat down to my cup of coffee. After almost 10 minutes, I went back to my rice, opened the lid, and voila! Rice! I did a little happy dance for getting it right. I grabbed my spoon, bowl, and went to scrape the rice into my bowl. It was then that I realized the entire layer of rice on the bottom of the pan was burned and totally stuck to the pan. Unfortunately, apparently the rice is supposed to be removed from the heat to set up. Oops.

What a great way to start my day. Until next time!